Lions Club Adampur Doaba
Events 2024-2025
Submersible Boring & Projecter Installion at Govt. Smart Senior Sec. School Ghazipur Adampur Doaba on 12-9-2024
Lions Club Adampur Doaba organised a project under the President Lion Kulvir Singh ji today ie on dated 12-09-2024 wherein a 3D Screen Projector has been installed at Govt Smart Senior Secondary School Gazipur Adampur Doaba Whose inauguration has been done by Sh Amarjit Singh B D P O & Sh Jagmohan Singh Superintendent Block Development Panchayat Office Adampur Doaba. On this occasion Lion Kulvir Singh President, Lion Rajinder Parshad MJF Secretary, Lion Vinod Kumar Tandon Treasurer, Lion Harwinder Singh Parhar PRO, Lion Dashvinder Kumar Chairman LEH, Lion Jagdish Pasricha, Lion Raj Kumar Paul, Lion Amarjit singh Bhogpuria, Lion Raghuvir Singh Virdi, Lion Kharak Singh Zone Chairman, Lion Harinder Singh Bansal, Lion Kamaljit, Lion Rakesh Kumar Chodha, Sh Ram Asra Principal , Sh Gurpreet Singh, Sh Ram Lubhaya ,Sh Raman Davesar Press reporter and other prominent people of Adampur Doaba were present.
Lion Rajinder Parshad MJF, Secretary Lions Club Adampur Doaba District 321-D

Inauguration of submersible tubewell by Lions Club Adampur President Kulvir Singh Bhogpuria & Team

Inauguration of 3d projecter screen by Lions Club Adampur President Kulvir Singh Bhogpuria & Team

Honoring Lions Club Adampur President Kulvir Singh Bhogpuria & Team
Lions Club Adampur Doaba organised an Eye Screening Camp Today ie on dated 09-09-2024 at Govt. elementary School Sagran Adampur Doaba under the President Lion Kulvir Singh. Wherein Lions Eye Hospital Adampur Doaba ‘s Doctorsteam checked the eyes of 130 Students. Out of which 16 Students reffered for further free checkup / treatment at Lions Eye Hospital Adampur Doaba. On this occasion Lion Rajinder Parshad MJF , Lion Raghuvir Singh Virdi ,Sh Balbir Kumar ,Dr Kuldeep Singh, Sh Jaswinder Singh and all staff of Govt Elementary School Sagran were present.

Lions Club Adampur organized a school children eye screening Camp at govt. elementary school sagran, adampur